I was once told that I am a unique hybrid of a sunshine yellow and cool blue personality. Which initially didn’t seem accurate. I assumed I was purely a sunshine yellow being as creative as I am. Until my colleague confirmed that in fact my attention to detail and slight OCD nature was definitely indicative of a cool blue. So as it turns out I’ve totally embraced this persona. I have a surprisingly amazing talent for conceptualizing, visualizing, and optimizing. Quite frankly I can kick some ass into gear. I am an innovator, a strategist, a fashionable-foodie-fanatic and more often than not, I am class mom. I am a proud wife and a mommy of two princess- superhero girls who inspire me daily to live up to being their ‘wonder woman’. I aspire to, one day, perhaps take a break and rest, but somehow I keep on agreeing to do more sh*t that gets in the way of my plan to take a break… and rest.